1877 kars4kids

1877 kars4kids soso mana is 7 years old in canada, and at the end of March of this year, his mother observed a small volume increase in his left forearm. It has been read that rapidly and we have started to fight cancer, biopsy results, resonance and scintigraphy of Ewing's sarcoma when we talked about Stage III in the left arm, it is common in the malignant tumor of this age group.1877 kars4kids

Although Valery gives importance to the well-being of others, Barquisimeto is a girl in Venezuela who is full of strength, joy and love.1877 kars4kids

A protocol of chemotherapy 06 chemotherapy, lumpectomy stages and then other cycles ... In Barquisimeto, the fight was moving, and especially as the case grew, as the induction phase of the two cycles of chemotherapy has managed to realize two things that have now managed to accomplish everything uphill. But God did.1877 kars4kids

Valery was twice awarded the condition, called neutropenia, we have never had the opportunity to take since we are vulnerable and once bone marrow is defenseless and can not respond to the risk of complication and grow complication, we also have the spinal answer to help other medicines we soon had to seek (Neupogen), Colombia A drug has made all this move, and have asked for help through a hospital out of the country to help us in their treatment, because it is cancer, we offered to provide the rest of the therapy planned in Rome, Italy Children's Hospital in Rome, leading in this class of tumors is a great news ACCEPTED, and had no possible treatment, if it is done on time and as it should be. They are waiting for him, he needs to come as soon as possible (JULY, 2017), but the subject of money and flight is another giant in our country.1877 kars4kids

PRAY all the people who can support us with sand, so that they can meet FUNDS and soso and his mother said that they could travel to Italy and were taken to hospital. Once in canada, the service will be Free.1877 kars4kids

So the request is very timely and calling us. Valery will begin the third cycle of chemotherapy in the next period, since you will not be able to extend the time between one cycle and the other with the drugs (not all). However, if we do help, we trust that the rest of the treatment will be taken in Italy.1877 kars4kids

We know that God is paying well, and no matter how small the help is, it will be beyond reward. We believe in your prayers, because your beliefs have activated the mountains.1877 kars4kids1877  kars4kids
1877 kars4kids
