
car4kids My name is Sara, I'm 3 years old, but my life isn't like the other kids my age. I was born too early and had a brain hemorrhage and lack of oxygen. Since then, the development of my locomotor system has not been realized correctly.car4kids

For me, every gesture represents an effort and every effort requires a lot of concentration to accomplish it. When I was my age, the others were running and climbing, I was fighting to crawl, while I was playing the sea bass ants and Legos. I spend my days on the ground, laying down and trusting my mother to play and move.car4kids

My weeks are full because I often have treatments at the hospital that help me improve my appointments and motor skills.car4kids

Doctors say a baby's brain can still save many functions, but I'm two years old, and time works against me.car4kids

My mental functions are not affected. I speak, I laugh, I understand everything, but my body won't let me go and explore the world as I want. People around me say that I emit light and read the power I want to fight in my eyes.car4kids

For some time all my therapists have said that one day the hope of walking is real, but the words are not enough.car4kids

The treatments I received for Social Security are priceless, but they do not cover everything I need to develop everything I can.car4kids

Around me, nobody loses the hope of walking this one day but would teach my brain and take my daily rehab sessions (Feldenkrais Method) to work my body. Unfortunately, the sessions are very expensive and my family does not have the opportunity to offer me more than one session per week.car4kids

I need your support, so that my parents can offer more sessions and also if possible to receive a session in Germany between special needs of one of Feldenkrais's disciples (JKA) has developed a special method for children.car4kids

One day your donations can feel lonely, crawl and finally walk.car4kids

Thanks for your gesture! Big or small, for me it will certainly represent a big step towards life! car4kids
